Once you have decided to pull the trigger on your current firm, you must tread very carefully to avoid breaking any laws or breaching your employment contract. You certainly don’t want to wind up out of a job or worse, unemployable in your field. To learn how to...
Break Away From The Pack
What is poaching for a breakaway financial firm?
Breakaway registered investment advisors in the financial industry are professionals who leave a larger firm to set up their independent practice. While making the move can offer greater autonomy and potentially more lucrative opportunities, it also raises ethical and...
Communicating with clients when you’re leaving a financial firm
If you’re leaving your financial advisory firm and starting your own, it can be complicated to determine if you’re allowed to take your clients with you. It may depend on the contract that you signed and the manner of your exit. But one thing that is true is that...
What is a material vs. non-material breach of contract?
When businesses work with others, each party typically expects something in return for the service or product provided – and contracts are the only way to make sure that everybody upholds their end of a bargain. A contract helps each party understand their...
When should you start planning your own investment firm?
Perhaps you’re thinking of breaking away and starting your own investment firm. Maybe this has always been your goal and you were just getting experience working at a larger firm. Or perhaps you assumed you would work for this firm for a long time, but now you’re...
Why employee morals clauses can be crucial for investment firms
For investment professionals, reputation is everything. Clients must be able to trust you to make the best decisions for their assets. These days, that trust can disappear in minutes with one viral social media post. You likely remember such a post on Twitter a few...
Why do people decide to start their own financial advisor firms?
You’re interested in “breaking away” and starting your own wealth management firm. You know that this is going to bring some challenges. You need to determine what legal steps to take to set up the firm, for example. You’ll also have complete control over operations,...
Can an employee handbook benefit your financial advisor firm?
When you break away and start your own firm, you can expect to face many new responsibilities. For example, if this is your first time as a leader, you must develop a way to manage your employees effectively. Contrary to popular belief, workers in all industries...
Utilizing intellectual property to craft a brand
If you are thinking about starting your own financial advising firm or an RIA, it is important to consider the ways in which your company’s use of intellectual property (IP) can potentially make or break your brand. Your business will be operating in a competitive...
Will non-disparagement agreements be a thing of the past?
Over the last couple of years, employment agreements that restrict the speech and activities of employees – particularly once they’ve left a company – have started to fall. From non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that prevent people from talking about sexual harassment,...